Sober Companion on the Beach at Sunset

What exactly is a Sober Companion?

It’s a fairly new term (within the last decade) to describe a developing field of work, the concept of which is working one-on-one with a client who wants help staying sober.

Simply put, a sober companion is a combination of many roles: a guide, a companion, and a role model to a newly sober person on how to stay sober.

Understandably, for many reasons clients don’t want to, or may not be able to immerse themselves in recovery, so a Sober Companion is their link to recovery.

What the companion brings to the client, however, can vary a good deal.

What I personally bring to the client is a life well lived after three decades of sobriety. With that comes clear thinking, balanced emotions and a clear instinct about what is the appropriate response to any situation.

Newly sober people have to go through the process of what I call “defogging.” Because drinking and drugging takes a big toll on clear judgment, a newly sober person needs help with his or her thinking.

And the value of having a sober companion is the difference between responding and reacting.

With sobriety, whole worlds of possibility are available: renewed self-confidence, overcoming obstacles, making positive life and professional choices, rebuilding trust in relationships, learning to be productive and a new found calm.

I have over three decades of sobriety. I understand the horrors of addiction and the wonders of recovery. I also know how to live a life of value, gratitude and joy.

Recovery from alcoholism is a slow process, greatly aided by the wisdom of someone who has been sober a long time.

What I offer is kindness and compassion when turmoil and confusion arise. As a longstanding recovered person, I know all the tricks and am not intimidated by my clients’ addictions or behaviors.

As a sober companion, I am committed to supporting you in your journey to sobriety, recovery and a renewed quality of life.

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